Over 50 years of experience

Since 1964, Aubin Transport has provided road transport of maritime containers and temperature-controlled goods from their logistics bases in Rennes and Le Havre.

First-class services

Industrial Freight

Transport of industrial freight in France and Europe with flatbeds and tautliner 34 pallets and semi-trailers with sliding curtains.


Storage of pallets and containers for the companies and companies maritimes, with a lifting capacity of 30 tons.


Two logitics platforms in Rennes and Le Havre, with warehouses, storage, stripping, stuffing of maritime containers.

Sale of containers

Sale of maritime containers, 20 or 40 feet, new or used, within very short deadlines thanks to a permanent stock.


Réduction des émissions de Gaz à Effets de Serre pour les Transports Aubin

Dans une démarche de décarbonation des routes et de limitation du réchauffement climatique,


L'énergie renouvelable 100% française chez les Transports AUBIN

Transition énergétique : Biogaz et Oleo100.

certification AEO